Monday, September 4, 2017

Dr. Henner Fahrenbach Bigfoot Forensic expert - Scientific Bigfoot Footprint Analysis applying modern police forensic investigative techniques

Dr. Henner Fahrenbach Recorded by researcher by Thom Powell in 2002. He discusses Hair, footprints and other forensic evidence. Dr. Henner Fahrenbach, formerly with the Oregon Primate Research Center (now retired), continues to be a major authority on the sasquatch issue. His research spans many decades, and he is convinced there is sufficient evidence to support the likelihood of the creature's existence. On the question as to why sasquatch credibility is not recognized by the general scientific community, he states, "It is easy to put of f if you don't know anything about it. However, it is generally uncharacteristic for a scientist to respond in that way. That particular response is reserved for sasquatches."

"Scientific Bigfoot Footprint Analysis ... Bigfoot tracks are the most common form of evidence found of alleged Bigfoots ... scientists have taken the analysis of Bigfoot footprints to new scientific levels, applying modern police forensic investigative techniques to the dermal ridges (also known as fingerprints)  ... video 1below shows an analysis of bigfoot tracks by police officer Jimmy Chilcutt and Dr. Jeff Meldrum ... and video 2 below is an analysis by Dr. Jeff Meldrum of footprint evidence from the Patterson film site ..." - Source: