Saturday, May 24, 2014

Oldest Bigfoot Film in North America - 1948 8mm film shot in Mountain View, Alaska

As shared by Daniel Perez, Publisher of BIGFOOT TIMES 

In the May 2014 issue of BIGFOOT TIMES it was pointed out that the 1962 Colorado Roosevelt National Forest film
made by the late Alfred Bouvier predated the famous P-G film (1967) by several years.  This makes the Bouvier film the
oldest of its kind in the United States.

BIGFOOT TIMES publisher Daniel Perez pointed out that there may be an even older film made by an uncle
of late Joan Jeffers.  In a discussion with Jeffers before her passing, Perez learned that in 1948, Jeffers' uncle had a
Bigfoot encounter and shot an 8mm film of it in Mountain View, Alaska, north of Anchorage.  Perez said the legendary
John Green had given him information, adding that the "uncle was always interested in Sasquatch information and had
told her father he had seen one and filmed it..."  Green further added that the subject was "... just something tall and
hairy walking through a field in Alaska."

The film is reported to be just a few seconds in length and it was first viewed by Jeffers in 1991 while making a video of
8mm family movies.  Perez was able to speak with Jeffers in 1994 and learned that "the film was shot with large
electrical towers nearby  and that her aunt (Jeffers' aunt) had witnessed the event as her husband shot the film while
driving a truck along a road."

This makes the 1948 Mountain View film the oldest of its kind in North America.  While many could argue that it is
the oldest of its kind in the United States, it should be noted that Alaska was just a territory in 1948 and didn't have
statehood until 1959.


